Not Available in the Prahran Store - Austrian Crystals 3mm 5810 pastel yellow 200pcs
Delica DB 147 silver lined peridot 5g
Delica DB 99 trans light topaz 5g
IG 20mm rnd glass 4mm+ hole yellow 8pcs NFD
Austrian Crystals 5mm 5328 METSH 20pcs
Not Available in the Prahran Store - Austrian Crystals 2mm 5810 pastel yellow 200pcs
Delica Beads DB 232 CLP Yellow Luster 5g
Delica Beads DB 1132 Opaque Canary 5g
Delica Beads DB 721 Opaque Yellow 5g
Austrian Crystals SS16 2088 JONQUIL 20pcs
Austrian Crystals ss9 2058 JONQUIL 20pcs
Austrian Crystals 2.5mm 5328 lght col topaz 30p
silk thread yellow no16 1.05mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no14 1.02mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no12 0.98mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no10 0.90mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no8 0.80mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no7 0.75mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no6 0.70mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no5 0.65mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no4 0.60mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no3 0.50mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no2 0.45mm 2metres
silk thread yellow no1 0.35mm 2metres
Austrian Crystals 3mm 5328 light col topaz 30pcs
Austrian Crystals 4mm 5328 lgt col top 30p
Austrian Crystals 4mm 5328 dorado 2X 30p
Semi prec 6x9mm drop fact jade lemon 6pc
Not Available in the Prahran Store - Austrian Crystals 12mm 5810 cream 50p
SEMI PREC 10mm rnd facet dye jade pea 20
Plas 4mm rnd opaque yellow 25\0grams 700+
Plas 4mm rnd opaque cream 20grams 700+
Ind gls 9x4mm rect opqu silver yello 12p
Plas 16mm rd RUNOUT pearl cream 20p
Semi prec 6mm rnd dyed howlite bana 63p.
Semi prec 8mm rnd dyed howlite bana 46p.
Horn 50x5 disc flower natural 2pc
Plas 6x4mm rice pearl cream 115pcs
Austrian Crystals 8mm 6428 LGT COL TOP SHIM 6pcs
Austrian Crystals 6mm 6428 LGT COL TOP shim 10pc